Tag Archives: Affordable Care Act

Ann Romney’s flawed speech: What’s love got to do with it?

BY TIM LOUIS MACALUSO Praise flowed for Ann Romney even before she delivered her speech at the Republican National Convention last night. Hours earlier, Republicans nominated Mitt Romney for president. But Romney, polls indicate, is having trouble with women and minority voters. And it was on Ann Romney’s shoulders to help recast his image in […]

Massachusetts’ low uninsured rate has political implications

BY JEREMY MOULE Massachusetts has the lowest rate of residents without health insurance of any state in the US. That’s a simple fact, released this morning by the Census Bureau. But it has massive political overtones: Massachusetts has a health insurance system that is the basis of Obamacare. And that system – including an individual […]

NEWS BLOG: Taxes, smaxes – paying for health care

BY MARY ANNA TOWLER I’ve loved watching Mitt Romney wrestle with the issue of taxes and the Affordable Care Act. First his campaign staff said Romney doesn’t consider the ACA’s penalty a tax; then yesterday, Romney himself said he does. That means, of course, that he was perfectly happy to raise taxes in Massachusetts for […]

NEWS BLOG: Health care ruling causes GOP message scramble

BY TIM LOUIS MACALUSO One of the most interesting outcomes of the Supreme Court’s decision on the Affordable Care Act is how unusually off message the GOP has been. Their talking points have been like marbles rolling in all directions. While talking about Governor Mitt Romney’s promise to repeal the ACA, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal […]

URBAN JOURNAL: Dems must get fired up over health-care law

BY MARY ANNA TOWLER So Republicans have decided to make repealing the Affordable Care Act the focus of their campaign for the White House and Congress. The Supreme Court says the law is constitutional, but House Speaker John Boehner says it has to be “ripped out by its roots.” This ought to be an easy […]

NEWS BLOG: Does Supreme Court health-care ruling jeopardize civil-rights laws?

BY MARY ANNA TOWLER Several commentators have been highlighting an important but largely overlooked aspect of yesterday’s Supreme Court health-care ruling: the decision related to the expansion of Medicaid. Under the Affordable Care Act, states are encouraged to expand Medicaid coverage; to make it attractive for all states to do that, the federal government will […]