Category News Blog

Ann Romney’s flawed speech: What’s love got to do with it?

BY TIM LOUIS MACALUSO Praise flowed for Ann Romney even before she delivered her speech at the Republican National Convention last night. Hours earlier, Republicans nominated Mitt Romney for president. But Romney, polls indicate, is having trouble with women and minority voters. And it was on Ann Romney’s shoulders to help recast his image in […]

Massachusetts’ low uninsured rate has political implications

BY JEREMY MOULE Massachusetts has the lowest rate of residents without health insurance of any state in the US. That’s a simple fact, released this morning by the Census Bureau. But it has massive political overtones: Massachusetts has a health insurance system that is the basis of Obamacare. And that system – including an individual […]

Federal regulations for smog-causing pollutants still uncertain

BY JEREMY MOULE For decades, New York has had more stringent emissions regulations than other states. It’s been state government’s way of trying to improve air quality. But air moves, which complicates such efforts. Emissions from other states will drift in to New York, making their pollution this state’s problem. Former Attorney General Eliot Spitzer […]

WEEK AHEAD: SW Neighborhood meeting on School 16

BY TIM LOUIS MACALUSO Residents of the 19th Ward and nearby southwest neighborhoods are meeting on Wednesday, August 29, to discuss ways to become more engaged in School 16’s future and to better support area parents and students. The meeting is at 6 p.m. at the SW Community Center, 275 Dr. Samuel McCree Way. It […]

NEWS BLOG: After a scorching summer, weather hits GOP

It matters that weather has delayed the start of the Republican National Convention. It matters a lot. The convention was supposed to start today, but Tropical Storm Isaac changed those plans. Many delegates and speakers are facing changes to their travel plans, reports the Washington Post. Nationwide, weather has been a constant topic of news […]

NEWS BLOG: O’Brien’s interviews are one of the few worth watching

BY TIM LOUIS MACALUSO A frustration with watching news interviews on television is the sorry lack of tough follow-up questions. Mainstream anchors instead seem to rely more on giving equal time to both sides of a political issue. It’s easier, it’s less risky, and they can almost count on what type of response they’ll get. […]

NEWS BLOG: The Party of No and the price of obstructionism

BY TIM LOUIS MACALUSO If anyone needs an explanation for why public approval of Congress has plummeted to an all-time low, reporter and blogger Michael Grunwald gives an excellent account in his new book, “The New New Deal: The Hidden Story of Change in the Obama Era.” Grunwald has been making the case for some […]

POLITICS: Brooks talks abortion, debates

BY JEREMY MOULE Next week, the national Republican Party is set to adopt a platform that calls for a Constitutional amendment banning abortion. And some members of the party support a complete ban, even when a woman’s life is in danger or in cases of rape or incest. During an appearance this afternoon, however, Republican […]

NEWS BLOG: War is a tax issue

BY JEREMY MOULE The war in Afghanistan is generating barely a whisper in the presidential election, says an Associated Press article published in papers this morning. The article goes on the say that “Americans show more interest in the economy and taxes than the latest suicide bombings in a different, distant land.” Some dots need […]

NEWS BLOG: The big news from Augusta National

BY MARY ANNA TOWLER In the midst of all the serious political news that’s been breaking this week, it was nice to find a little humor. And so I give you my favorite quote of the week so far, from a Tuesday New York Times’ editorial. The subject: Augusta National Golf Club’s decision to admit […]